See what participants had to say...
See what participants had to say...
Because of our work with Murray, I now know what it means for two humans to choose to dance together and to keep choosing it.
I had no idea marriage or relationship could be like this... no idea how intimate, sacrificial, rewarding, mutual, and beautiful it could be. On our wedding day, I had hoped for what turned out to be just a fraction of what our marriage has now become. We have reached a place we thought impossible, and it is all because of what we learned from Murray. Hands down, counseling with him was the best decision we ever made. Not only is our marriage incredibly strong now, but we each have individually grown into far better human beings. We can never say "Thank you" enough.
- Robin Y.

You’re challenged but everyone is very supportive so feelings of being “stupid” or “foolish” go away quickly.
Just being “forced” to interact with others and be put in situations you may not encounter or avoid in everyday life help you realize that everything is a growing experience. No matter how much anxiety you have, you will not die. You are able to do it and the group is there to catch you if you fall..Opportunity to get out of your shell and explore your anxiety issues with other people in similar circumstances who can offer a supportive encouraging environment."
- S.M.
Essentially everything we did helped me. I found the talk circle at the end of the meeting very therapeutic and allowed me to relate with others.
Body movement exercises/warm-ups allowed me to be more present. Purposefully messing up and taking the spotlight really helped me. Do It! It breaks up the monotony of life and allows you to tap into the areas of yourself that have been ignored. You’ll find it very rewarding. One of the best decisions I ever made."
- E.S.

I recently participated in the Curtain Up workshop led by Murray and Lesly, both of whom made the class a truly remarkable experience.
This workshop taught me to laugh at and accept my imperfections as just that, and to accept myself just as I am. It was incredibly fun and I plan on doing it again."
- Ellie H.
This class was one of the most beautiful, fun, heartwarming, and confidence-building experiences of my life.
Over the 12 weeks, I looked forward to every single class and would walk away with something to apply to my life that week. It became an anchor for me. This group is truly a safe space, where you realize you are not alone. Not in your anxiety or struggle or shame, or even depression and other mental health struggles. And the fact that the group ranged in age from high school students to young professionals to parents emphasized this even more - you are not alone, you are safe and welcome in this environment, and the experience of this group can positively impact anyone. I am so incredibly grteful for this cass, and for Murray and Lesly for creating this truly unique experience."
- Cathy N.

The Atlanta Center
For social therapy